Thursday, October 30, 2008


Downtown trick or treating should never be done without a hidden flask of something potent.

Safe from traffic, yes. Safe from being mobbed by sugar crazed halflings, no.

I had choir practice afterwards so I was forced to fight the horrendous crowd with the slowest human on the face of the earth in her big ole hoop skirt bumping into everyone as we went along with all my senses fully intact.

Oh yeah and somehow we did everything against the flow of traffic.

My only happy out of the whole thing (other than the "snow princess" loving the gross abundance of miniature sized torture to her mom's lack of self discipline) was when she saw the Hot Tamales in the candy bowl at the sports table, she thought of me... and grabbed 3 packs.

"Here Mommy, I got these for you!"

Thanks kiddo!


Lovey said...

Sounds like an interesting & fun evening. The Snow Princess looks beautiful. She is always so happy to do something for her Mommy. I hope the Hot Tamales helped, although the flask would have probaly been better. Cant wait to see more pictures.

Kimberly said...

She looks beautiful!! Next time, tell her to get some hot tamales for me as well. I love them.

Bowerman Blessed said...

What a beautiful snow princess!!

I need to get your address for the pay it forward. thanks.

Ashley @ pure and lovely said...

hahhaha! you're blogging again!? Where have I been??? oh my! So sorry I'm behind! glad you're back!